AMPPS team has released v4.3 for MacOS and Windows.
Following is the list of changes :
1) [Improvement] : Added Minimize to tray button. (Available on Windows only)
2) [Improvement] : Existing minimize button functionality improved in Windows.
3) [Improvement] : Added option to navigate through AMPPS features using the Tab key for better accessibility.
4) [Improvement] : While closing AMPPS it asked for a confirmation before quitting and used to wait for user input, now if no interaction from user for 10 seconds then AMPPS will close by itself.
5) [Task] : Several UI and functionality improvements and some minor bugs were fixed.
6) [Bug Fix] : In MacOS, Remove saved authentication details was not working. This is fixed now.
8) [Bug Fix] : While updating AMPPS to a new version, if the continue button was clicked multiple times AMPPS failed to update. This is fixed now.
We hope you like the new version. We will be adding many more features in the next version.
If you face any issues feel free to contact us at
The AMPPS Team